Mercy Thoughts (feat. Clash of Symbols & Altar Billies)
- 1Listen to Your Heart Breakdown (Demo) [1982]
- 2Take In The Son
- 3Come Along and See (Live) [1984]
- 4Now You're Mine (Live) [1983]
- 5You're Lost! (Demo) [1983]
- 6Well O.K
- 7Where's It Going to Lead You? (Live) [1984]
- 8When You're A Rebel
- 9Gut Level Music (Basic Track) [1986]
- 10You Are Loved
- 11Fallen World
- 12Do I Stand Alone? (Demo) [1988]
- 13It's Me (Demo) [1988]
- 14Life In the Streets (Demo) [1988]
- 15World Burning
- 16Altar Boys Go Skating (Demo) [1989]
- 17Throw Your Torches Down (Demo) [1989]
- 18Altar Boys Go Skating (Acoustic) (Demo) [1989]
- 19Stand and Fall (Demo) [1990]
- 20I Can Hear (Demo) [1990]
1991 Oh Oh Nancy Music