Power Love Sound Mind
Matthew West
Bryan just got back from overseas
Suffers from ptsd
He’s at the va hospital in phoenix
Raven’s mom died her senior year
Why did God have to take her away from here
Some days she still can’t believe it
Ian’s just 8 years old
Way too young to know what the word “anxiety” means
But he told me my song “strong enough” helps him through
And amy’s a single mom driving her little girl back and forth
To chemo treatments she can’t afford
Don’t know what she’s gonna do
Everybody, everybody
Got their own impossible to climb
Everybody, everybody
Truth is shouting louder than the lies
I have not been given a spirit of fear
But of power love sound mind, love, sound mind
I don’t have to give in to a spirit of fear
I am power love sound mind, love, sound mind
It seems like we spend most of our lives at the intersection of faith and fear
Which way we go from here will define our destination
But trust is a choice to say I will not listen to that voice
The one that says you might as well stay down ‘cause you’re never gonna make it
You opened the prison doors
You set the captives free
The power that conquered death
Now is alive in me
Para citar esta página: https://canciones-cristianas.com/cancion/1258062/power-love-sound-mind-matthew-west
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