Worship the Lord

Ron Kenoly

I will worship the Lord
For He is worthy
I will lat down my sword
The Prince Of Peace is His name
King of the flood
The Lord is mighty
The Lord can quench the evil flame

Peace when trouble blows
Jehovah sees, Jehovah knows
He is my peace, when sorrow nears
Jehovah sees, Jehovah hears

Feel the presence of God
Upon the water
Hear the voice of the Lord
Within the thunder that rolls
King of the flood
The Lord is mighty
The Lord can calm the troubled soul

Peace when trouble blows
Jehovah sees, Jehovah knows
He is my peace, when sorrow nears
Jehovah sees, Jehovah hears

Like the breath
I need to live
Jehovah takes, Jehovah gives
Gives me peace
When trouble blows
Jehovah sees, Jehovah knows

Judgement coming, He is my peace
Men pursue me, He is my peace
Judge! Judgement is coming, He is my peace
Men pursue me, He is my peace

Para citar esta página: https://canciones-cristianas.com/cancion/2681244/worship-the-lord-ron-kenoly
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