
Sleeping Giant

Bind my hands
I stand at the gates of hell
Though you defy me flames
I deny you death itself
You and I make confession
I feel that rain fall down
Let the rain fall
Oh, my God, let the chains fall
As it falls I'm covered
Let it all, it all fall down

The accuser is furious
In his fake tattered gown
He's pointing his finger
Holding me down, then the light breaks
A voice speaks
"My child, this won't last for long"
Oh demon I've something to show you
"My son rise up now sing him your song!"
So I sing out
"Look how you've fallen, Morningstar!"
You once covered the throne in praise
You fake, now look where you are
I will never bow my knee again
In sin and shame
Serpent, I have witnessed your defeat
I know your schemes, your games
I have been covered in the blood of the Faithful One
Jesus, cover me in Your Blood
Jesus, cover me in Your Blood
Jesus, cover me in Your Blood
Jesus, cover me in Your Blood
Jesus, cover me in Your Blood...

Autor(es): Sleeping Giant / Tommy Green
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