

Singing halleluja, halleluja
Halleluja to the Lamb
Got a friend whose mama
Did the best she could
He asked the Lord to save her
And God gave him faith He would
Half a lifetime later
She called him just to say
Momma gave her life to God that day
Singing halleluja, halleluja
Halleluja to the Lamb
Listen up you people
I know you're just like me
Jesus really loves you and
He died to set you free
I don't have all the answers
But I know this much is true
He's the one who paid the price for you
Halleluja, halleluja
Halleluja to the Lamb
Para citar esta página: https://canciones-cristianas.com/cancion/780218/halleluja-commissioned
2025 Cancioneros.com/Letras